I made this plug and had it jammed into my brain, it's not a plug like a stopper for a bottle or something, it's a plug that transmits data. I've got all this data. I've got all this data because it reads what I'm thinking all the time and compacts it down. It compacts it down. It compacts it down and lets me read it. It lets me read it.
I drink water and it ascribes QUENCHED. I stub my toe and it ascribes PAIN.
My brain drips FUCK. My brain drips FUCK. My brain drips FUCK. My brain drips PRETTY. My brain leaks out like I left the faucet on. I've got all this data and I can't translate it. It's impenetrable it's indescribable it's unknowable it's unreadable. It's all gibberish. It's lines and lines of FUCKFUCKFUCKQUENCHFAGGOTLOSEHELLOWASHKEYSTROKEPRAYFUCKFUCKDESPERATETIRED. I dissect. I dissect and I disseminate. I dissect, I disseminate I dissect I disseminate I take feedback I make corrections I take time I read I pull back I put it back together I empty my head. I empty my head. I empty my head. There's enough for everybody.
i'd turn myself into a machine if i could just understand. i just wanted to understand. i just wanted to understand. i just wanted to connect. i just wanted to connect. i just wanted to connect. i just wannted to conect. i just wanted to conect. i just wanted to conneccct. i've got lines and lines and lines. i've got data i've got lines i've got lines. it doesn't work. it never would have worked. it's just a string of letters. it's just meaningless bytes. my head leaks out for everyone to read but it's in a language only i can understand. but i don't even understand it anymore. my head leaks. my head leaks my head leaks my head leaks my head leaks my head leaks my head leaks my head leaks my head leaks my head leaks . it leaks it leaks it leaks it leaks and i don't know what it says.